I need to prepare a CV for internship/ job positions or graduate school applications? How can I start?

You can visit our CV & Cover Letter Preperation web page. You can download the Word format template on your computer, and start working on it. We also prepared a Guidebook including tips and suggestions and sample CV alternatives for you.

How long should a CV be?

There’s no one simple answer for this question as employers might have different ideas. Obviously, this might also vary depending on your experience. Some employers do not have strict requirements on this. Others might think one page CV is the ideal. If there is a one page requirment, make sure to organize and edit your format as well as the content. Make an appointment with our career advisors for further questions.

Should I include my GPA on my CV?

There is no specific rule about whether to keep or remove your GPA from your CV. Employers’ preferences might differ based on the sector / position. It is particularly better if your GPA is above 3.00.

Should I include my hobbies and interests on my CV?

Hobbies and interests let employers know you better as a person. Restrain from using very general statements such as “reading book, watching movies”. Be more specific and include the ones that you’ve been practicing for a good amount of time. Check out sample CVs here.

Should I include club activities and volunteering roles on my CV?

Extracurricular activities are not only a great way to demonstrate your interests, they also prove to employers that you have a range of valuable skills that you could apply to their vacancy. Don’t just list the positions! Be specific in describing your tasks and accomplishments in these roles! Check out sample CVs here.

Should I use creative formats such as Infographics on my CV?

There is no specific rule about the format of Cvs. Employers might have different ideas on this. Especially in creative sectors, creative formatsa re more desirable. Check out our website for more creative CV templates. Make an appointment with our career advisors for further questions.

Can career advisors review my CV?

Make an appointment with our career advisors to have your CV reviewed. It is important to have your first draft before the appointment. Check out templates and samples here.