What We Can Do Together
Publish Job-Internship Announcements
If you would like to share the opportunities of the institution you work for or you own with the Koç University students, you can send your announcements to Career Development Center and manage the process through the account to be defined for you by using the KUcareerlink Employer Platform.
It is possible to filter according to the employee features, and publish by selecting program-grade on this platform.
Please click here to have more information about employer process.
Become a Career Development Seminar Speaker
You can contact us on career@ku.edu.tr if you would like to be a speaker at the seminars involving experience sharing and career stories for students which are organized by the Career Development Center and in coordination with the Alumni Relations Office from time to time.
Stay in Contact with Koc University Students
KU Mentor Alumni Platform
It is a network carried out in cooperation with the Mentor Alumni Platform, Alumni Relations Office, Alumni Association, Career Development Center and Student Council, and established to enhance the communication between Koc University students and its alumni.
Our students can log in with their university e-mail addresses and our alumni can log in with their LinkedIn accounts on the link.
The students can receive career advices from our alumni, send questions about their industries and demand a test interview experience.