Zeynep Azra Koç

Uluslararası İlişkiler

NGOs, International Relations and Political Science, Diplomacy, Migration, Art History, Environmental Foreign Policy, Erasmus+, Digital Marketing

Hello all, my name is Zeynep Azra Koç and I’m an international Turkish student who is currently in their senior year of International Relations. I’ve gained valuable experiences from both the public sector and NGOs by pursuing internships at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNHCR, and UNICEF. Additionally, I’m quite interested in visual arts and art history overall, so I’ve also participated in a voluntary internship for Zarastro Art, which is an online platform for art collectors and art enthusiasts alike to gain exposure to the contemporary art world.  I’m currently testing out the waters of the private sector by pursuing an internship at Şişecam to determine exactly which career path I want to pursue upon graduation. Hopefully these experiences will grant me a solid answer. I’ve also done my exchange in Amsterdam during my Junior year to gain more exposure to living alone abroad and networking with people from different backgrounds. Besides being a career mentor,  I’ve also worked for the OIP as part of the Work and Study program and I play an active role in KUGA, KU Volunteers, KU Sailing, and MotorSports Society (To  all my formula 1 fan potential mentees out there).